Shingeki no kyojin: Shingeki no CMV teaserAnsuchi on DeviantArt

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Shingeki no kyojin: Shingeki no CMV teaser



If you follow me on facebook or twitter, you might already have seen some posts about video recordings and also many outtake screenshots but now I want to make it official:

Shingeki no Cosplay Video will be coming soon!…

Some of you might now, I love making CMVs (Cosplay music videos) and since summer I had the idea in mind to make a CMV of Shingeki no kyojin. The thought developed from "This is impossible" to "Fuck this shit, we'll just do it!"

In mid September the script was finished and the biggest part of the cast was decided. Afterwards, planning got complicated since I had to organise everything via mail from Japan. (Fucking time zones!) But I had my awesome team supporting me and so we managed that after I came back to Germany, all locations were confirmed and all permissions were given.

So far we had three days of recordings. We travelled through Germany to wonderful locations and it's so much fun to work on a project with so many talented people. (Even if on one day, the weather was not so funny, haha. ^^" 0°C and snow, on a windy mountain top, hidden in deep mist.)

The recordings and editing of the video will go on until the end of the year. The release date of the final video is yet to be announced. It will be around 5 minutes - yeah I know it sounds not very long, but trust me, video making simply takes a lot of time. ^^"

If you got curious please follow me on facebook (link below) because I will upload photos, making offs and lots of stuff of our little project every now and then. And I hope you will like the final result.

Eren Yeager: Ansuchi
Mikasa Ackerman: *Mizukishou
Armin Arlert:
Hanji Zoe: ~Marlu87
Christa Lenz / Sasha Braus: ~SanKenX
Petra Ral: ~buntamarui

Find me at:

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More photos:
Shingeki no kyojin: The three of us by Ansuchi Shingeki no kyojin: Sunset by Ansuchi Shingeki no kyojin: The outside world by Ansuchi
Image size
2632x2995px 5.18 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Ansuchi
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Attack-On-Lion's avatar
When the cosplay is way better looking than the live action X3