Snowhite(s)Anonymous-Shrew on DeviantArt

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Anonymous-Shrew's avatar




I'm somewhat amazed that I'm actually keeping up with posting every day, so far it hasn't really even been that challenging. I've been doing lots of fun projects, trying new stuff, and challenging myself more in ways that will benefit me. Hopefully you guys are enjoying it as well :giggle:

Having said that, I've fallen in love with making snowy scenes like this. Maybe it's because lately I'm striving for more minimalist pieces with a stronger mood rather than my usual go-to detail. For some reason I had this idea into my head that detail = superior, which isn't necessarily true. Details can help your piece, but I find that once I start adding too many it just becomes cluttered, stiff, and unappealing.

Please note, during this new phase of my artistic journey I'm going to be ultra critical of my art. This doesn't mean I hate it, I just want to take a hard look at myself and decide what I actually like about my art and about the process of making it. I think it's good for people to be critical of their art in a healthy way because that's how they'll grow and become better. This means not putting yourself down, not ripping your drawings, not taking your "inability to draw" out on yourself or others, but looking at your art and saying "this is where I am now. What do I like, and what can I change to make my art more appealing to me?"

And practicing. Practice is key.

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4500x2500px 15.78 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Anonymous-Shrew
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PoisonSoldat's avatar
So pretty :eager: ! I like that snowy scene too, fits very well, I looove it