Quarantine doodledumpAnonymous-Shrew on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anonymous-shrew/art/Quarantine-doodledump-834783672Anonymous-Shrew

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Anonymous-Shrew's avatar

Quarantine doodledump



I'm not technically quarantined, but I'm basically living the same way currently since I don't go outside anymore. I really just wanted to sit down and relax and create some doodles of my horses, especially since I was struggling with focusing on just one finished piece, and here is the result. I kinda like it, maybe I'll do it again in the future :)

Most horses belong to me feat. some of SlightlyMadStables's horses and a few randos. And my lousy handwriting.
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3500x6943px 17.95 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Anonymous-Shrew
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IronForceKennel's avatar

Howly shit those look so dam good!!!