Neon Competition - Cross CountryAnonymous-Shrew on DeviantArt

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Neon Competition - Cross Country



:new: They got 1st and reserve champion :D :new:

I am back from the dead with a new drawing that's been in the works for a long time [ Pixel ] Gravestone1 - F2U I've been very busy with life and there have been lots of big changes that I'll all explain in a life update once it's all a little more set in stone. For now, this is an entry for a Dutch horse game I play called My Horsez, it was a super cool prompt and I'm sad I wasn't able to make more entries. A lot of shows around now don't have a unique, inspiring twist to them anymore, and I've become very skeptical about the ability of people to judge without bias (which is why I haven't been entering any lately). Fear not though, I'm still been drawing daily behind the scenes despite my lack of posting on here.

Show: Neon Competition
Horse: Calitro Askeboda
Rider: Cameron Kashevsky 
Discipline: Cross country 

Cross country stock 4 by ByMelody…………
And references provided by show hosts
Image size
1161x1384px 1.93 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Anonymous-Shrew
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