Memories of an old lifeAnonymous-Shrew on DeviantArt

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Memories of an old life



I've really been struggling with making finished pieces lately, probably because of everything going on and because all my plans have pretty much been thrown to the dogs for now. It's hard to focus and come up with cool ideas :( I'm still going to be moving later this year, but now it's postponed indefinitely because of the pandemic (understandably so, but I'm still frustrated that this is how it all had to go). I won't travel until it's responsible to do so, which means I'm stuck for the next little while.

On a brighter note, this is a horse I've had for ages (almost 3 years, to be exact) but never used him. I think it's because I didn't want to get involved in DA breeds too much, since it felt like a lot of extra work on top of my already limited free time. But now I have seas of time, so here he is :)

Horse: Geranio
Fullbody training +3, detailed shading +3, photo background +0.5 = 6.5 BP
(this is my first time using this new skill system so if I'm wrong please let me know)

Image size
4500x2970px 19.16 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Anonymous-Shrew
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