Bustin' Inannria2002 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/annria2002/art/Bustin-In-525329447annria2002

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annria2002's avatar

Bustin' In



Commissioned by Shiori92 
Her Naruto OC Shiori


“Well, everything looks perfectly fine. You seem to be progressing quite well” Sakura said as she pulled back a bit. “Are yo-“
“Sakura!!” Someone burst into the room, promptly cutting her off. “Do you want to…” they trailed off looking at the scene. Sakura was looking at them with shock while sitting in between Shiori’s legs, whilst the patient herself looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her face became as red as a tomato, while Sakura’s shock soon became anger as she stood up. “Shiori?”
“Naruto!!!” She roared in anger.
He quickly looked at her with wide blue eyes. His hands shot up in front of him in self-defense as if trying to ward her off. “Sa-Sakura! Wait! Don’t be angry! I-“ BAM. He was cut off, as the stool Sakura sat on moments before came in full contact with his head swiftly knocking him unconscious.
“You idiot!” she bellowed out panting. Shiori simply sighed and laid her head in her right hand. ‘Some things would truly never change,’ she thought as she looked at Sakura puffing in front of her and the unconscious Naruto. Naruto couldn’t help but do things without thinking and Sakura couldn’t help but get angry at him for his screw ups. But even with all his mess ups, she couldn’t help but love the Leaf Village’s number one hyper active knuckle-head ninja, Naruto Uzumaki.
“Sa-sakura…you’re so scary…” he mumbled.
“What!?” She shrieked, and all hell proceeded to break lose in the small room.

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1000x724px 352.31 KB
© 2015 - 2024 annria2002
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Marbellchen's avatar

haha :D thats just awesome!

I rly like your drawing Style.