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Mare in the Moon



Nightmare moon from the new MLP episodes. I wanted to draw her in a more horselike appearance since I currently seem to be in a equine art mood (that means, expect more horse art!)

The first villain the MLPs has seens since I was a child and I was truly excited about it...!
I had a feeling she would turn good but I hoped she would have lasted longer then two episodes :shakefist:
The ponies need a bad guy or they will turn out like the G3s that only have parties and eat cakes!! *scared* :O_o:

I was not in the mood to do a background for this but she needed one so I made this rather quickly. Not the best I have done but it works for her :)
Beside being a villain I think Nightmares hair was the best thing about her. So pretty!

Nightmare Moon©Hasbro Lauren Faust

*edit* Yaay, Lauren Faust commented this picture! Gives me a bit of bragging right I think :giggle:
Image size
1100x725px 166.97 KB
© 2010 - 2024 AnnieMsson
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spider-pony's avatar

Can you please make  a  Daybreaker  ?