Periodic TableAnnekaTran on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

November 2, 2009
~enkana shows, with her original and distinctive style, that even educational can be cute in her Periodic Table.
Featured by joannastar
Suggested by K-lenx
AnnekaTran's avatar

Periodic Table



This is something I've been working on, a bit at a time, for the past few weeks. Modelling each object in 3D proved to be a huge task and took a lot longer than I originally thought but the feeling of completing it was awesome :D

Read more here on my blog (inc. some close-up details).
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1150x813px 273.48 KB
© 2009 - 2025 AnnekaTran
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Lanthanum and Cerium can be found in lighters

Praseodymium is also found in lighters, and sometimes planes

Neodymium is used in magnets

Promethium is entirely useless.

Samarium is used in magnets

Europium is used in phosphors

Gadolinium (idk any uses)

Terbium (idk any uses)

Dysprosium is used in neodymium magnets

Holmium is in the production of magnets

Erbium's oxide is pink, which is used in some glass.

Ytterbium is used in steel

Lutetium is used in nothing but research.