American Gothic Parody Finalanneisanartist on DeviantArt

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anneisanartist's avatar

American Gothic Parody Final



Here is the final piece. I did this in goauche, which is a pain in the butt. Also, I just realized I forgot to take off the magenta curve when I saved this so, whoops!

The concept was to "modernize" the American Gothic. I decided to do role reversals in the home today, since, compared to the original American Gothic, women being the breadwinner is something that is very accepted today, and something that I have actually experienced (My dad was a Stay at Home Dad). So critique is tonight, so if there are any glaring mistakes, now's the time to let me know!
Image size
504x601px 344.62 KB
© 2006 - 2025 anneisanartist
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Rush-the-chosen-one's avatar
oh society ^^ the greatest Roller Coaster of the world