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My second colored pencils portrait.. i think.
I generally really dont like drawing with colored pencils. On one hand i dont seem to have the patience and on the other hand i have digitalizing it! I really do. I dont seem to be able to take a photo or to scan the drawing so it would look at least a little alike.
But I guess everyone has the same problem. If there's anyone out there who solved it, please tell me!!
Nevertheless, this was quite fun to draw. Even tough colored pencils is not my favouride medium, I found the ref pic so amazing and perfect for a colorful drawing that i had to draw it.
And im actually really satisfied with the result. at least with the original drawing :D
I truly hope you guys like it too!
Faber Castell colored pencils
kneadable eraser
bristol smooth
my fingers for blending
oh, almost forgot, i used a mechanical pencil as well. (for shading mostly)
i have no idea how many hours.. 10?
My next work could probably be a painting or another pencil drawing, ill see what i feel like doing.

Love, Anna :blowkiss:

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Image size
3560x2645px 1023.8 KB
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