StarcatcherAnleka on DeviantArt

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March 9, 2023
Starcatcher by Anleka
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by LlanellaWhatCake
Anleka's avatar



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There is a story that heaven is the crown of the Great Tree of Life, whose branches stretch to the horizon. The tree blooms every night, the light of its stars helps people navigate when the Sun is asleep, gaining strength for a new day. Crows live in the sky, black as the night itself, they wake up at moonrise and they have work until morning, they tear the stars from the Tree and fly to new worlds to fill them with life. Sometimes young crows drop stars along the way. They fall into our world, turning into ideas, emotions and inspiration. 
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3191x2051px 6.08 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Anleka
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0ddsunda3's avatar

This is absolutely stunning! 😍