Zelda shield backpack tutorialAnimus-Panthera on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/animus-panthera/art/Zelda-shield-backpack-tutorial-199130738Animus-Panthera

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Animus-Panthera's avatar

Zelda shield backpack tutorial



A tutorial for my Hylian shield mini-backpack. This can also be adapted to other shapes or styles, so get creative with it!

This tutorial is free to use, provided you follow my rule: please credit me for this, even if you modify it. Other than that, please enjoy!

For more information about using my tutorials and patterns, please see here --> animus-panthera.deviantart.com…

Per usual, feel free to ask any questions you might have or for clarification.

Also, if you use it, please send me a link to your creation- I would love to see it and link to it here!

Hey, look! -->
by BisectedBrioche
by kayzebra
by Claireobie

If you like my tutorials and resources, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi!
Image size
1000x12152px 1.42 MB
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willowthepixie's avatar
Hiya awesome tutorial ⌒.⌒ any idea where I can get that stiff interfacing and I can only find strong interfacing and its still all floppy even when I layer it up (●´ω`●)