Tutorial: Covering EyebrowsAnimosityCosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/animositycosplay/art/Tutorial-Covering-Eyebrows-194168391AnimosityCosplay

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AnimosityCosplay's avatar

Tutorial: Covering Eyebrows



I'd mentioned it in the past, but I thought I'd actually go through with it this time around.

Tutorials! I'll probably make them as the spirit moves me or if I get requests for specific techniques that I think are worth making tutorials for.

This one is for my lovely :iconpocky-xoxo: who asked about it a while back, and me being the lazypants I am, only just got around to it.

There is a video timelapse that accompanies the tutorial, check it out right here: [link]

Post questions if you have them!
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solesekken's avatar
Thank you :) You're a nice Axel btw!