I am just a simple man living a complicated life here in FL. I like to cosplay on occasion as well as do some poetry. Finished college with a BS in Electrical Engineering. Trying hard in this craptastic FL economy to get a job/career settled soon.
Yeah I need to keep up with this page more often then maybe it would get some love but life gets super busy :[ More pics of other cosplays coming soon after my next con I will update with the last years worth and then some. So behind xD I keep saying I would stay on here more but things are just not like they used to be. Hope everyone enjoys what I have to share.
~ja ne
Last weekend was AFO 2012 and I had but mostly thanks to the amazing friends that I was with. Lots of photos and good memories. Once I am done with older updates I promise I will get to them. You will notice some differences but I would like to see what you all notice :P
Already went ahead and started adding a new set of cosplays from 2011. Yeah I know super late but better than never right? Thank you so far for the support and I hope when I get to this years cpsplays you continue to like what I have to bring.
On a side note some of you may notice a drastic change in my look from the cosplays I have been posting from around 2008-2011 and the ones I will eventually post for this year. Let us just say goodbye to chubby me and hope to say hello to the newly improved me. I will post in more details later about that change but I thought I would give you the heads up. I may even post a entry displaying my progress