Shy Bookworm Sci and TwiAnimechristy on DeviantArt

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Animechristy's avatar

Shy Bookworm Sci and Twi



Okay, so, for something different I decided to do both Twilight AND Sci-Twi for this one. I think this one took the longest because... Well, 2 girls one picture. Trying to find the right pose, trying to figure out their fashion, ect. Plus I've always had a rough time with Twilight's coloring. Especially her hair but this time around I think I figured it out. And yes, there are sparkles in this image. I mean, Twilight's name has "Sparkle" so why not. I hope you guys like how it turned out. This one took a lot of work for it to work @~@;;;
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2250x3000px 10.04 MB
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F1r3w0rks's avatar
hey, fantastic work! I really like the background. Ima take notes from you. owo