Animeboye's avatar


The Midwestern Dragon
538 Watchers414 Deviations

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Pt. 4 by Animeboye, literature

The Figures by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Pt. 3 by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Part 2 by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon by Animeboye, literature

Remembering Akira Toriyama by Animeboye, literature

Final Dragon's World Chapter 34 by Animeboye, literature

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Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Pt. 4 by Animeboye, literature

The Figures by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Pt. 3 by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon Part 2 by Animeboye, literature

Dragon's World- Day of the Dragon by Animeboye, literature

Remembering Akira Toriyama by Animeboye, literature

Final Dragon's World Chapter 34 by Animeboye, literature

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Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
  • Dec 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (191)
My Bio

Current Residence: My room
Favourite genre of music: Rock, especially Indie rock, grunge
Favourite style of art: Anime
Wallpaper of choice: Anything I like
Skin of choice: You racist! Just kidding. It'd have to be a dragon's
Favourite cartoon character: Rainbow Dash, Beavis, Uchiha Obito, Kenny McCormick, Shounen Bat, Littlefoot, Minions, Beerus, Vegeta
Personal Quote: The idea of dying can be scary. But the idea of living forever can be terrifying.

Favourite Visual Artist
Eiichiro Oda, Masashi Kishimoto, Akira Toriyama
Favourite Movies
The Dark Knight, A Clockwork Orange, The Usual Suspects ,Phantasm, The Land Before Time, Ponyo, Django Unchained, Psycho, Rear Window
Favourite TV Shows
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, South Park, Dragon Ball Z, Beavis and Butthead, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Yu-Gi-Oh!(Original), Yu Yu Hakusho
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Judas Priest, Sunday's Best, Stone Temple Pilots, The Swellers
Favourite Writers
Kishimoto, Oda, JK Rowling
Favourite Games
The Walking Dead, Bully, No More Heroes, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of Symphonia, Assassin's Creed 2, Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, Legend of Zelda, Arkham Asylum and City, The Stanley Parable
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation (all consoles), N64, Switch
Tools of the Trade
Umm...pencil, paper, tablet, keyboard?
Other Interests
Anime, drawing, dragons, writing, horror films, video games
January 3rd marks eighteen years since I started here on DA. Since then, I've definitely had my fair share of ups and downs here, seen a lot of people I had come to know as fellow creators and even friends join and then move on to other things. Even still, I still often think about everyone I've known since and hope they're all doing well. I'm appreciative of the support I've recieved from everyone throughout my time here on DA, whether you're an old watcher or a new one, it's thanks to you that I've continued on with my works and continued to share my stuff here. I don't know what the future holds, but who's to say I won't still be on DA in another eighteen years? Stranger things have happened so I won't say it's outside the realm of possibility. The future's taken me on many unsuspecting twists and turns throughout my life, so I look forward to seeing where it will take me here. Thanks again for your support, everyone, again whether you've been following me for a long time, or you
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So, earlier in the month, I had a dream that I thought was pretty interesting. In the dream, I was younger, back in my teens, and I was starting at this weird school. The first part of the first day goes well, but then, just as it's about halfway over, I'm in photography class (I don't know why I'd be dreaming about taking a photography class since I've never taken one before) and our first assignment is to photograph our classmates so we can see what kind of monsters they are under their human disguises. The details of this assignment leave me shocked, because this means I've somehow ended up going to a school for kids who are actually monsters and this worries me because I start to fear that if I get photographed by one of my classmates and they find out I'm just a regular human, they might try to hurt me or even worse. So, before the school day comes to an end, I decide that I need to go talk to the principal and explain to him the truth about what I am. I don't recall the exact
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It's that time of year again. The time in which all of us who are in America celebrate our country's birthday! So, to all the Americans on here who watch my account, I want to wish all of you a happy Fourth of July. I hope you've had a good one, hope you got to spend some time with family or friends, maybe even both. I enjoyed a nice chicken dinner just now with carrots and potatoes and I have more than enough left where that came from. Hopefully you've had yourselves a nice, delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner on this day. So, happy birthday to America, a country I'm proud to have been born in, and to everyone who watches me who isn't American, I hope you've all had a good day yourselves. Be on the lookout for some more Dragon's World, Jascken, Dragon Kids, and all the other usual stuff from yours truly.
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Profile Comments 703

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Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?

Yeah. I mostly like anime from the 90s to the 2010s, and I do like me some Smash Bros. Why do you ask?

Check this out...

Champions Of Action: World Rumble R

An anime/manga equivalent of Super Smash Bros. that I've been working on for about three years now.

I Hope I Don’t Sound Rude When Saying This But, Are You Currently Accepting Any Requests?

Hey man I got a question for you: How would you describe the portals? I finally got to depicting them but I wanted your accurate description of how you envision them.

Alright, so I was having a bit of trouble thinking of how to put it into words but I was able to find an image that pretty much shows how I've envisioned the portals  

Basically my vision of the portals is similar to this except with the rim of the portals being black instead of purple and without the light in the center. Inside the portals it's a mix of purples and blacks like is shown in the picture I provided. The size and width is about the same as the portal in the picture with the portals in Dragon's World being maybe a bit wider (So that the dragons can properly fit through).

Huh. I guess I did end up explaining it better than I thought in the end. But yeah, that's how I've always seen the portals in Dragon's World appearing. I hope this helps, man.

I hope that helps, Terran. Sorry for the URL jumble. It was the only image I could find that matched the way I envisioned the portals. I checked the link and it should link you to the picture I was referencing.