Elements of Discord... :MLP:angelshauna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/angelshauna/art/Elements-of-Discord-MLP-259114578angelshauna

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Elements of Discord... :MLP:



(oh wow so many favs! a huge thanks and several brohoofs to everyone that has faved/commented/added to collections :D)

A human version of all the ponies after Discord messes with them! I loved the premier of season 2 so much i knew i had to make this :)

Fluttershy: Oh yeah? Who said I'm "kind"?
Rainbowdash: I have to protect Cloudsdale...
Twilight Sparkle: What's wrong with everypony?
Rarity: It's MY diamond! Back off!
Pinkie Pie: Happy? I don't think so.
Applejack: hehehe... Me? LIE? Never!

I think the pinkie pie i made is my favorite out of all of them. the base i found was just perfect! xD

here are the bases i used(in order from left to right):

edit: sorry some of the links arent working, it's most likely because they were removed from deviantart. Sorry :(

EDIT: Big thanks to daydreamergal57 to these links of some of the bases that weren't working!
rarity: [link]
fluttershy: [link]
rainbow dash: [link]
Image size
2868x672px 219.51 KB
© 2011 - 2025 angelshauna
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QueenChrysalisCute's avatar
I REALLY like Rarity