Deviation Actions
Name: Odium
Nickname: None yet
Name meaning: Latin for Hate
Age: Immortal
Height: 17hh
Sex: Mare
Gender: Stallion
Breed: TheBloodlineBreed
Mutations(If any): Shiny blood
Cross colour: Shiny Red
Sexuality: Asexual and will not bow to a Stallion's wishes. (No regrets here!)
Breedings: He refuses and was kicked out of his herd for it. Odium does not regret this one bit.
Magic type: Odium possesses the power to breathe a black Tar like liquid from his mouth and summon it to cover his body when engaging in a fight with another Bloodline, He can also manipulate it to take whatever shape he wishes.
Magical quark: Odium has named his magical fire and refers to himself as “Us” and “We” when in combat
Personality: This Shiny Blood is anything but Bright and happy, Odium Enjoys fighting and is also known for being belligerent to most and is sometimes seen as being Vindictive or Spiteful. Odium will ofetn times be seen resting during the day and only being active at night, This being said, Most see him as cursed for his outward persona is anything but kind and comapssionate Also his magic is not of the healing magic posessed by his herd.
Secrets: Odium enjoys eating the true evils of the word and will hunt down and kill...and most likely eat Bloodlines who do cruel and unseal things for the fun of it. He will even take joy in eating those he deems unfit for life via his magic!
Weaknesses: Due to his magic being dark/black magic, Odium is weak when it comes to any light/pure magic, this is why he rests during the day and avoids the sun/bright lights. With that said He is also weak when it comes to Any fire type magics out there.
Wishes: To have a small found family and perhaps even a mate who can and will dominate him. However Foals are not a part of his dream of a family but would step up and help out if needed.
Parents: Unknown, He refuses to talk about his past
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SSS: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SS: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SDS: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SD: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ SDD: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DSS: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DS: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DDS: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DD: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DDD: Unknown
Mate: None, Wishes for one, though.
Generation: First Generation/Starter
Proof of Buying the Mutation:…
Designed by: @Muramia
Character by: AngelOfChange (Myself)