Tagged game

4 min read

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AngelMS's avatar
I don't normally do this, but because it was the lovely puush who asked ;)

So I was tagged by :iconpuush:

The Rules (to break)
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Five things about me:

1. I hate being cold, and yes I come from a cold climate but it doesn't mean I enjoyed it.
2. My biggest fear is Moose, I don't think you can really appreciate their size until you have been pinned under a picnic table by one.
3. I am a book hoarder, I can't ever get rid of any of them, even if I don't like them
4. I really want to change my hair but am too chicken, it took far too long to grow it out.
5. I come from an itty bitty tiny coal mining western town, a big change to a tiny state that is one big city!

Questions I was given:
1. pants or no pants? Pants definitely, I hate dresses & skirts but wear them for work
2. Coffee or tea? Tea, pretty much any flavor and no cream
3. What's your fave gemstone (or semiprecious stone or mineral?) I love sapphires, even got a wedding band with them
4. What's a sure thing to make you mad? leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot
5. A thing that bores you to death? TV, a lot of it is so mindless
6. Fave snack? popcorn or chex mix
7. Come to the dark side! – would you? (no, they don't have cookies) do I have to hurt something to get in? Can it be a spider?
8. your favourite online shop (no, ebay and amazon and the likes do not count!) I suppose Etsy doesn't count either huh? I guess Barnes & noble is where most of my money goes
9. What would you like to learn? besides relearning to play bassoon and flute and brushing up on my german, I would like to learn to shoot a bow and arrow
10. What superpower would you prefer?  traveling at the speed of sound, so I can visit family and friends
11. What movie would you really like to watch but didn't dare to suggest to friends? (and obviously you don't want to watch it alone? And no, no porno!)  I would love to see Puss N Boots, also I can probably only convince one friend to go to the Hunger Games with me too.

Questions for you:
1. Cat or Dog (no cheating and picking both)?
2. One thing off your bucket list?
3. All time favorite meal?
4. What's your usual bed time?
5. Something that makes you laugh whenever you think about it?
6. What's the weather like today?
7. One person who inspires you & why?
8. Star Wars or Star Trek?
9. What's your favorite holiday?
10. Favorite endangered animal?
11. What do you want for Christmas?

Who I am tagging
:iconankin: :iconhindsightis2020: :iconkuro-rakuen: :iconmlpgal13: :iconpoupou13: :iconzekka: :iconwagnerwakka: :iconlunamothmama: :iconlazyjenny:
© 2011 - 2024 AngelMS
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puush's avatar
Hehe, I normally don't do it either. lol. Won't bother with things like that again.
Thanks for your answers. :)

I like skirts but don't have the nerve to wear the right shoes with it, so it's skirts+trainers or pants. lol
We will drink lot's of tea then. Awesome. I don't need coffee.
Sapphires for you, tiger iron or opals for me. *_*
I hate these lazy shoppers too. Or when they leave them in my way at the mart. Grr.
Got rid of my TV six years ago. :)
What the heck is chex mix?! I'll nom crisps.
Yes you would have to hurt a lot, do manic laughes and loose in the end, not understanding what the whole thing is about at all. But you'd have cooler clothes and some cool powers. I guess we stay at the light side, don't we? I'll shoo the spiders for you.
I think etsy counts. And B&N looks interesting. Didn't know that. :)
Yeay learn German. I can help! ^^ I only have a bow for live-action-roleplay, but you can shoot that. :D
Oh fast travel is a great idea. Or teleport. I could visit you for a cup of tea or we could do sunset-hopping. lol
I'll def see Puss&Boots. Teleport over here and go there with me. I go see the english version anyway. I don't really like the dubbing they do in Germany though it's not that bad.

I just do a quick answering of your questions just for fun. o0
cat, small blue bucket (what's a bucket-list?), PASTAAAA, Midnight (I try at least), my wedding – pure chaos, my boss (full of creativity, always in good mood and loyal to his team, loads of energy and a good sense for people's moods), Star Trek, X-Mas, tiger (surprise!), a PONY!!!

Okay, off to bed. Did overhours till midnight, so I should go to bed now (1:17 am) :boogie:
