
13 deviations

Art by Fans Inspired by Angelic Visions
9 deviations

Product Shots and Promos
3 deviations

6 deviations

Artistic Photography
13 deviations

Artisan Crafts and Sculpture
48 deviations
Disguising the Mask
Disguising the Mask: Batman the Trickster
it rose into space, its wings spread wide, then fell, its wings now a fluttering cape wrapped tight about the body of a man.- Frank Miller, Batman: Year One. For years, he has been a seminal figure among comic book heroes. He is the masked avenger of Bob Kane and Bill Fingers Detective Comics, the Dark Knight of Frank Millers Batman: Year One, and a memorable inspiration among pop culture icons since his inception in 1939 (Steranko 42). At first, he was created solely as a reaction to provide a foil to DCs straight arrow Superman; but as his popularity grew and continued, there appeared someth...
6 deviations

Tutorials and Walkthroughs
3 deviations

Stock Art
7 deviations