Keeper of Secrets MaskAngelic-Artisan on DeviantArt

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Keeper of Secrets Mask



See this mask in action here :pointr: [link]
For sale here! :pointr: [link]

This particular one sold at DragonCon, but I wasn't able to take better photos of it before it went to its new owner. I have the pattern to make more, if anyone's interested. :D :pointr: Request one via Etsy

I made this mask as a demo to show my friends how to make their own masks in leather. It was a random urge that turned into something fun!

Stamping was used to give the keyhole a different texture with matte varnish painted over the 'hole' so that it stood out from the rest of the mask, which was made to gleam slightly with semi-gloss varnish. All shaped, carved, and painted by hand from leather!

I did a tutorial on how to achieve the antiqued metal effect here :pointr: [link]
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