The Adonai FamilyAngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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The Adonai Family



Nothing special here, just your typical Shadowrun family. The guy trying (and not succeeding) to read a book is the father figure, a short ninja with magical abilities named Phantom, the elven figure is Aurora, a street samurai extrodenaire and ex-exotic dancer, and their proginy, Lucia, is a ninja in training with latent magical abilities^_^

Completely normal!!

:iconflawedbutterfly: - An Aurora Fan Club
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500x754px 242.29 KB
© 2002 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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quick-silver's avatar
It's so nice to see them all together as a happy family. I have to admit Lucia looks just like I visioned her. I'm glad I sat and read your story a while back, and deviant was how I found it in the first place. As I asked. Do tell me if you update your story!