Summary of Art 2016AngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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Summary of Art 2016



What a year it's been!  I apparently created more art than I realized, as many months had several images fighting for the month's showcase slot.  I attribute this burst of productivity to my lovely Patreon Patrons who have kept me motivated with their kind words and support.  What a strange mix of styles I had going on this year as well!

My Exalted character, Kalara, really took over the muse thanks to the tabletop game I've been playing in (White Wolf's Exalted RPG).  Roleplaying games always have been good food for my muse!  Last year was pretty dismal thanks to some tough times, but I feel like I really started making a comeback this year.  2017 is promising to be even better!

Next Year:  I'm hoping to continue to keep writing and have several big releases planned!  It's going to be an exciting time finishing up the Ladies of the Months and preparing to move on to those passion projects that have been so patiently waiting for me.

JAN - Demon & Succubus
FEB - Chibi Melakim
MAR - Lady of February
APR - Hipster Lilith
MAY - The Uncrucified
JUN - Koh & Kalara Sketches
JUL - Lady of April
AUG - Koh Concept Sketches
SEP - Lady of May
OCT - Priestess of the Keeper
NOV - Lady of November
DEC - Exalted Secret Santa

Last Year's Summary of Art:

Summary of Art 2015 by AngelaSasser

For an expanded look back at my progress as an artist, check my other art progression meme.  It has my art since the age of 9!

Mature Content

1990-2015 Art Progression Meme by AngelaSasser

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© 2016 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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hyperpiston's avatar
Wonderful! I love your "Lady of" series!