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Self-Critique MEME - Ladydove7



This isn't really a 'fun' MEME, but rather one meant to challenge each and every artist to take a long, hard look at themselves! I've been very introspective on this topic lately and thought this might be a way to help myself, and others.

Critique from others is only one half of the process of becoming a good artist, the other half is accepting and understanding this critique, then taking the steps to improve yourself!

Consider this like a 'strategic plan' towards making yourself a better artist. It's good to do this at least once a year, if not every moment you're working on an image, in my opinion!

So...will you take the Oath to Improve with me? You can find the blank template files here!:

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606x1300px 274.88 KB
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MeredithDillman's avatar
This is a really cool costume book [link]