Forgotten MuseAngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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Forgotten Muse



Support the artist by purchasing the high res line art via the Premium Content system (click Purchase to buy)! Color it, display it, etc., just please do not resell or redistribute it. Have fun!;) You can still color the medium/low resolution for free. However, the file you purchase is higher res and allows you to show your support for the artist.

Want more of my line art to color?  Check out my Coloring Books and Pages collection!

Save money by buying the coloring book pack here:
Printable Coloring Book Pack 1: Fantasy Art Angels by AngelaSasser

For a long while now, I have felt my inspiration fading, lost under so much demand and the leering eye of perpetual criticism. It's a funny feeling to feel that creative force inside of you withering. Time feels so empty, as if I were lost in the dark from one moment to the next with so many ideas fading into obscurity. There's just been no time to nurture that muse, no time to really devote myself to anything I love.

This is probably the first image I've been proud of since Uriel and I still don't think I'll ever create anything to measure up to him again.

However, I don't see this as a monument to the lost, but rather the birth of new opportunities. It is the season of change for me and this will be but the first of what I hope to be many, many pieces of art done because I enjoy it and not because I'm trying to force the art to meet other people's expectations.

Take my advice, don't ever ignore your muse...for she may never return...

11"x14", Micron and Copic Multiliner Pens.
Image size
1000x1268px 383.51 KB
© 2007 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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