Embellished Prints 5-10-2010AngelaSasser on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/angelasasser/art/Embellished-Prints-5-10-2010-163758926AngelaSasser

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Embellished Prints 5-10-2010



Another round of embellished prints for your viewing pleasure! Beauty of the Night is probably my favorite one out of this bunch. :meow: All have been embellished with acrylic paints of the normal or metallic variety and/or ink.

Images from left to right:

(First Row) Muse of the Undiscovered; Angel of Purity; Beauty of the Night

(Second Row) Butterfly Guardian; Terrible Dawn

More! :pointr: [link]
Image size
800x626px 485.11 KB
© 2010 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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Charlemaine's avatar
They're lovely, Angie; i just would rather you shot the top three without the plastic covering. Somehow it cheapens your classy designs. Just my opinion...

Anyhow i thik pairing design elements form the artwork with the frames = genius. People are more likely to buy them with the matching frame, & it just makes each work even more unique. my fave would be your Muse frame. clever, the continuity of the candles! coolness. :D