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EAC Concept Sketches - Fave Caste



The first batch of my Exalted Art Challenge concept sketches are out of Patreon Early Access, so I can finally share them here! These concepts for the topic Favorite Caste explore customizing a caste mark for my Eclipse, Kalara, who hails from Gem. As such, I wanted her sigil to have a desert flair to it and took much inspiration from Moroccan motifs. In the end, the final design combines abstracted fire elements with the tails of the phoenix, a personal symbol of Kalara's.

The final version:
Exalted Art Challenge 2020 - 1 - Favorite Caste by AngelaSasser

Image size
1200x900px 978.27 KB
© 2020 - 2024 AngelaSasser
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