Blood of the FewAngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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Blood of the Few



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"They would tell tales of my father, Rashaan’s, victory that ended the generations of war between our disparate tribes.  Centuries of bloodshed came down to a duel between my father and the Zilthai king.  They would save many from the battlefield by risking only themselves.  Upon his victory, my father would become the first king of the Sirhan, fulfilling our destiny.  We were desert nomads no more, but the kings of the realm!"

- Ramah Sirhan, Last Prince of the Sirhan

And now for something completely different!  Here's the last piece I created for my IP Development mentorship with the Robot Pencil crew.  What a wild ride it's been!  I got to explore a story I've been aching to tell for years, but never had the faith in myself to commit time to.  I have a very good feeling that change is in the wind!  I can't wait to see what the future holds in the coming years now that I've finally broken the dam of self-doubt and fear holding back this tide of inspiration.

Created with Photoshop CC.

Want to know how I made this painting?  My Patreon Patrons have access to the tutorial video bundled with the .psd file I created for this painting!  I'll be making tutorial videos for my future paintings available exclusively to my Patrons at the $10 and up level, but this is a special freebie for new backers!:)  Don't want to mess with Patreon?  You can buy the video outright at my Gumroad shop instead!

Watch a preview of the walkthrough video here:

Support Angela Sasser on Patreon! by AngelaSasser 

Want to know more about these characters and their world? See my story gallery:
Image size
1200x668px 318.88 KB
© 2015 - 2025 AngelaSasser
anonymous's avatar
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penguinpyro's avatar
This is incredibly badass. I love the tension you put into it with the sharp light contrast in the ground between them. And dat scarring...

Fantastic, I can really imagine the history that led up to this moment, with this piece, it feels so real!