Angel of NoelAngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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Angel of Noel



Prints & Products -
Original for Sale :pointr: SOLD!
EDIT: EXCLUSIVE Coloring Page of this image's line art available in this pack!
Printable Coloring Book Pack - Christmas Series I by AngelaSasser
Friends gather around a warm fire while just beyond the bounds of their safe walls, the cold of winter turns the world to gray. But where the spirit thrives, there will forever be warmth.

May your holidays be filled with joy and happiness.

Here's my holiday gift for you, DA, and for my watchers. I hope to have holiday cards and prints of this available soon. Brightest blessings from me and the countless color pencils that gave their lives for this piece.

And of course, I could not have begun or completed this piece without the lovely stock visage of lockstock. You are an inspirational beauty, my lady:…
See a step by step of this image here:…
Color pencil on cardstock. This took countless hours to complete (20+)
See the complete Christmas Series here! :pointr:…
Angel of Noel by AngelaSasserHoliday Nouveau 2007 by AngelaSasserAdvent Angel by AngelaSasserDecember's Window by AngelaSasserThe Gift Giver by AngelaSasser
Image size
5974x4624px 8.58 MB
© 2006 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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