Advent AngelAngelaSasser on DeviantArt

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Advent Angel




ACEO Prints :pointr: [link]
Signed Prints :pointr: [link]
See the line art: [link]
I'd like to dedicate this image to my mother, a lovely inspiring soul who has been there for me at the best and worst of times. She is an avid lover of Turquoise, the December birthstone, and I channeled quite a lot of her giving and kindness through this.

She really adored the Seasonal Angels and therefore this series has taken on the flavor of that one with its art nouveau flair.

Turquoise is a stone of healing, purification, and communication. Just as white narcissus, holly, and poinsettia symbolize innocence, everlasting life, and hope. The crown on her head symbolizes Saint Lucia, who gave hope to the suffering during a time of darkness.

May the Angel of December light your darkest hours with bright blessings.

I was greatly inspired by the wonderful birthstones/monthly flower series by ~mistressofspam and *windfalcon. I also utilized *syccas-stock's gorgeous series, Ker's Candles. They are all muses beyond compare.

Watercolor, Color Pencil, Pen & Ink. 8.5x11 inches.
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<div align="center">See the complete Christmas Series here! :pointr: [link]
Image size
538x700px 117.39 KB
© 2008 - 2025 AngelaSasser
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TigerchuStudio's avatar
Nice. I like the whole scene but the wings stand out to me the most. Well drawn.