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Angela R Sasser
39 Watchers74 Deviations



The Uncrucified Ch.8

It wasn’t till my arrival in Dinas Rhydd long after my journey as Koh had begun that I would learn what the witnesses of that day had dubbed me - The Uncrucified.  I loved the poetry of that.  Whether I was murderer or not, those in the crowd that day knew my innocence and spread the whispers of my name across the city of Nexus and beyond like wildfire.  In my first days as Koh, I followed the rivers, venturing along the roads gathering slaves and runaways to me. I lived up to my bandit king namesake, making Guild caravans ours, with special attention to those shipments I knew were coming from my old friend Oroshu.  The symbol of the Ecli...


74 deviations

The Uncrucified Ch.1 A Cautionary Tale

No time to read?  You can listen to the audiobook of this chapter here ! Foreword. Let it be known in the chill of Resplendant Air of RY 765, I began this memoir a scant time after settling into the freshly built shack that would become the first guild hall of the Pristine Guild, the guild I built from the shattered hopes and dreams I had left in me. It would rise from stick and mud beginnings just as I have from the dusts of the South to a grand path that lies before me. Already, those who would tear this place down and reclaim this city and its people have been beaten back. The strings of destiny knot here in this place full of the un...


32 deviations
Rapunzel on Tapastic!

Rapunzel Comic

35 deviations

Book Review: Kushiel's Dart

Synopsis: In the land of Terre d’ Ange, it is said that the blood of angels flows through the people, particularly in the blood of the aristocracy. However, the influence of the divine shows itself in the most unlikely place, in the eyes of a courtesan, Phèdré, who was born to the Night Court. The blood red spot in her eye, said to be the prick of the fallen angel, Kushiel, has marked her as one cursed to feel pain and pleasure as one. When Phèdré is sold into indentured servitude to the nobleman, Anafiel Delaunay, a chain of events involving political intrigue, murder, and mystery opens her to a world of unknown possibilities. Review: T...

Book Reviews

1 deviation

BIO-Melakim Fahre-Tenebra ed.

Name: Melakim Fahre (May-la-keem Fah-ray) Inspirational Music:   VAST, A Perfect Circle, Choral Chants Age: 24 (He doesn't know it yet, but he can live for a very long time if not killed by unnatural causes) Height: 6'3" Species: Nephalim (half angel, half human) Element: Shadow Eyes: Naturally gold in color, his damaged right eye has been replaced by an enchanted opalescent white stone which constantly casts a dim white glow.  His natural eyes greatly resemble his mother's. Hair: Long slightly wavy hair that flows to his waist, very dark red almost black.  He normally wears it tied back to keep it out of the way.  Melakim has ...

Character Biographies

3 deviations

The Clever Queen and The Mad King

Now, in our time of forgetfulness, we oft overlook the ages gone by, their stories buried beneath the sands and washed by the blood of countless wars.  No, my young Prince, this is not a tale of war.  A Queen has other tales to tell her son than those of her King. This is a tale of spirits, forbidden magic, and the wrath of a Queen! Oh you may smile and doubt the wrath of such Queens, my son, but one day you will know the power of the mind over the sword and of desire over the mind. Ages ago, when the rivers were but streams and the night grew darker still, there once was a wise and beautiful queen.  Her hair was dark as kohl and blackest ...

Character Vignettes

4 deviations

Disguising the Mask

Disguising the Mask: Batman the Trickster“…it rose into space, its wings spread wide, then fell, its wings now a fluttering cape wrapped tight about the body of a man.”- Frank Miller, Batman: Year One. For years, he has been a seminal figure among comic book heroes. He is the masked avenger of Bob Kane and Bill Finger’s Detective Comics, the Dark Knight of Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One, and a memorable inspiration among pop culture icons since his inception in 1939 (Steranko 42). At first, he was created solely as a reaction to provide a foil to DC’s straight arrow Superman; but as his popularity grew and continued, there appeared someth...


1 deviation

The Clever Queen and The Mad King

Now, in our time of forgetfulness, we oft overlook the ages gone by, their stories buried beneath the sands and washed by the blood of countless wars.  No, my young Prince, this is not a tale of war.  A Queen has other tales to tell her son than those of her King. This is a tale of spirits, forbidden magic, and the wrath of a Queen! Oh you may smile and doubt the wrath of such Queens, my son, but one day you will know the power of the mind over the sword and of desire over the mind. Ages ago, when the rivers were but streams and the night grew darker still, there once was a wise and beautiful queen.  Her hair was dark as kohl and blackest ...

Flash Fiction

1 deviation

The Uncrucified Ch.8

It wasn’t till my arrival in Dinas Rhydd long after my journey as Koh had begun that I would learn what the witnesses of that day had dubbed me - The Uncrucified.  I loved the poetry of that.  Whether I was murderer or not, those in the crowd that day knew my innocence and spread the whispers of my name across the city of Nexus and beyond like wildfire.  In my first days as Koh, I followed the rivers, venturing along the roads gathering slaves and runaways to me. I lived up to my bandit king namesake, making Guild caravans ours, with special attention to those shipments I knew were coming from my old friend Oroshu.  The symbol of the Ecli...

Short Stories

11 deviations
Peace and War


7 deviations

Hear the Ravens Cry Ch1

“You know…it’s all just one big fucking nightmare…” Robert astutely mentioned as he took another long drag of his smoke.“What is?” Zane tossed a cd across the dingy, unorganized room as ‘Big Empty’ by Stone Temple Pilots blared in the background. ..falling farther from just what we are… “Life, man.” Robert continued with his daily harangue about the depravity of society and the human condition. The pungent smell of old pizza and unwashed clothes wafted about the cramped room. …smoke a cigarette and lie some more… “I think you just need to lay off the ganja, man.” Zane continued as he absently stroked the new tattoo under his right eye. It ...

Vampire the Masquerade

1 deviation
The Scar Deviation Pack


8 deviations