Rapunzel Comic 28AngelaSasser-story on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/angelasasser-story/art/Rapunzel-Comic-28-530209800AngelaSasser-story

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Rapunzel Comic 28



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Strip 28 for the Rapunzel comic, my dark retelling of the Brothers Grimm story!

Considering how long I've made people wait for this, I'm just going to be posting them as soon as I finish them. Enjoy!

Rendered in Photoshop.
Image size
2898x840px 506.4 KB
© 2015 - 2025 AngelaSasser-story
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You seem to have made a mistake.  This is strip 27, but you gave it the title "Rapunzel Comic 28".

But that's just a minor nitpick, it's good to see this finally update!