SchoolComp:Poster1-Garamondangelaacevedo on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

November 27, 2007
I love it when an artist explores a font through the font that they are discovering. SchoolComp:Poster1-Garamond by djsoundwav highlights this well used serif type face by paying tribute to its detail. This deviation has found the G spot and I love the feeling it produces. All of the holes have been filled in with O's and extra sweet nothings. Check out that, "b"! It has an, "O" in it! It's like an English gentleman spilling upon a letter! The coffee stains are not going to come out with dry cleaning. Isn't text interesting? It has its own personality. Try it and you will be addicted! I highly recommend Garamond as your mode of communication. It's defined by the typist! That's why we are here as artists together. Find the mode that defines your work!
Featured by lonnietaylor
angelaacevedo's avatar




Typography Heirarchy Course midterm poster for a typography competition. This is 1 of 5 that we will evaluate in class.

This particular poster was taken from a book cover I designed earlier. I think many of you have seen it, so its no big.


swäv | design studio

[EDIT] 11.27.07
My FIRST DD... I am completely speechless. Took me by surprise big time. I actually thought it was a virus when I saw all the messages. I thanked ^patgroove so much I think I annoyed him lol His description of the project is absolutely beautiful and scary. To all that have visited I thank you and appreciate you taking the time to critique and look at my gallery so much you wouldn't believe. I am making sure I respond to all the comments, I'm not so sure I can get to all the :+fav:'s but I'll try, either way my sincerest thanks! Much love to you, blessings and say no to drugs :ahoy:
• If you like the color palette you can download it from my nifty Colourlovers . com profile here: [link]
• Print is now available for those that requested it.
Image size
800x1236px 886.94 KB
© 2007 - 2025 angelaacevedo
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TheOnlyWarman's avatar
I like the indie movie poster feel