Robado de :iconDarkBX:Journal Start[ ] smoked.
[x] consumed alcohol. - Xmas D:
[x] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex - brother
[x] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex - mom, BFF, sisters, etc.
[x] kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] had sex.
[x] had someone in your room other than family
[ ] watched porn
[ ] bought porn.
[ ] tried drugs
TOTAL: 5[x] taken painkillers.
[x] taken someone else's prescription medicine.
[x] lied to your parents.
[x] lied to a friend.
[ ] snuck out of the house.
[ ] done something illegal.
[x] felt hurt.
[x] hurt someone.
[x] wished someone to die
[x] seen someone die.TOTAL: 13[...