Smaug Burns Lake-townAndyFairhurst on DeviantArt

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AndyFairhurst's avatar

Smaug Burns Lake-town



Smaug coming around for another attack on Esgaroth

As you will see in the WIP my dragon went through a few stages but I wasn't happy with any of them ( the dragons look I was happy with but not the way it moved ). I wanted to have Smaug show his jewel encrusted belly yet still look like he was going to attack Esgaroth. It was only when I decide to look at other artists dragons for inspiration for flight posture I came across this...

[link] ...and used it as a reference posture. So a big thanks to the sculptor Cleyton.

W.I.P stages [link]
Painted in PS2.

Thanks for looking

*Updated some wing and smoke issues
** I am aware that it is an inaccurate portrayal of the scene in the book due to the fact that there are more than one ( and therefore not 'lonely' ) mountains. But for this piece I felt it looked better this way. You could pretend that what you see are mere hills compared to the HUGE Lonely mountain just out of shot if you so wish ;)

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1210x1060px 984.18 KB
© 2011 - 2025 AndyFairhurst
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ARTSeeker321's avatar
Nice job👍👍