Estuary DragonsAndyFairhurst on DeviantArt

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Estuary Dragons



These Welsh Estuary Dragons had long been a familiar presence along the North Wales Coast in the Estuary's of the River Dee, River Conwy and River Dyfi, and the Menai Strait, the stretch of water between North Wales and the island of Angelsey.

Although they were once a common site to fishermen and villagers along the banks, they are believed to have become extinct around the early 17th century.

Amongst the many dragons of Britain, the Welsh Estuary Dragons were considered the only harmless dragons to humans and it was always considered extremely good luck to see one.

I would like to thank my brother :iconfairhurstphotography: for inspiring me on the mood of this painting with this photograph he had taken by the Thames [link]

Painted in Photoshop CS4

WIP - [link]
Many thanks for looking :)
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1210x602px 430.26 KB
© 2012 - 2025 AndyFairhurst
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Skye-Rhyder's avatar
Oh, Yoyo had babies. Yay!