Dragonizor V2: Original Inkandybrase on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/andybrase/art/Dragonizor-V2-Original-Ink-338017730andybrase

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Dragonizor V2: Original Ink



Dragonizor V2: Original Ink
creature design drawing
copyright Andy Brase

Here's the stripped down original ink line art for the Dragonizor V2. This is all traditional ink (no digital)

FULL COLOR version:

This is something new for my own project/ world. The creature design, "The Dragonizor" started as a sketch at a con. I liked how it turned out and wanted to do a more finished piece. I usually ink right over my pencil, but the original pencil sketch had already gone to the art collector.
So this is version #2 that I drew a bit larger.

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Image size
1185x1454px 500.87 KB
© 2012 - 2025 andybrase
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Stan-Yancovich's avatar
Pretty amazing work!