Saw Deadpool vs Wolverine. Pretty rare for me to go movie watching these days. Lots of reasons. Mostly, I’m rarely interested in the movies from Hollywood. Deadpool vs Wolverine surprised me. It had real heart. I could tell it was made by people who cared, about their fans and all the people who worked on the previous Deadpool and X-men movies. In that respect it was art, coming from a real place of love. I left feeling warm fuzzies inside. It’s not a perfect movie. There are some jokes that don’t work. Sorry Pete, I don’t think you’re funny. However, what works far outweighs what doesn’t. Also, Dogpool. Dogpool steals the movie.
Been checking out the new videos for Civilization 7. Mixed feelings. There is a lot I like and some I really don’t. Biggest surprise is how much they appear to cribbing from Humankind. Good and bad parts.
For some sadder news. Let’s get this out of the way. My Patreon hasn’t been doing too great lately. Make no mistake. I