andrielisilien's avatar


360 Watchers353 Deviations

Informal Guide for Visiting the UK by Willsormiston, journal

Dinner with America by MrMadManiac, literature

Deviation Spotlight

  • June 12
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (247)
My Bio
Current Residence: Utah
Favourite genre of music: Instrumental
Favourite photographer: :iconpajunen:
Favourite style of art: Cartoony
Skin of choice: The one my moma gave me :3
Favourite cartoon character: LSP (Lumpy Space Princess)
Personal Quote: That's what you get.

Favourite Visual Artist
Mother Nature
Favourite Writers
Those who write fantasy
Favourite Games
Legend of Zelda!! XD
Favourite Gaming Platform
any Nintendo platforms
Tools of the Trade
pencils, prisma pencils, micron pens, and watercolors
Other Interests
Books, fantasy, art, writing, music, classical stuff, history


0 min read
eheh, time sure flies ^^; I... got busy. Since I last updated, my life plans got turned upside down and rewritten. Good stuff, absolutely crazy good stuff.   My Librarian career got put on hold, I got married to a hubby I need to figure out how to feed, moved a few times, traveled to Scotland, and I'm figuring out the future now that I have a team player with me. Drawing and activity on this webpage took a spot on the back burner. I didn't know if I would ever pick up art again and I can't guarantee I will be active again here. Maybe now is the time for me to move on?? But things settled the past month, finally, now that I'm on summer break
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I just realized I haven't written in over 6 months. Well New Zealand was just lovely. 2-weeks was the bare minimum required for me to experience the place. I stuck around only in the South Island as that contains more of the glorious parts and secret spots. Being there was like walking around inside a terrarium; I loved it! It was funny how I kept having flashbacks from the UK as many things are similar such as road signs, home set ups, vocabulary, sheep, etc. But then there are several things that are unique to NZ such as the Maori people, the unspoiled land, their own quirky sayings, and such. Something I have noticed is in the USA when the
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I am ashamed

0 min read
Today I was forced to confront what I have been keeping in the dark for so long. I have been an American my entire life but guys.... I can't even order a stinkin burger from McDonalds correctly!   As part of my job I had to help someone go eat out for community access but even I can't get that garbage right. I messed up their order like a doofus and I was too embarrassed to go back and fix it. At least my client/student didn't care and were happy for the opportunity to just go out and eat. I tried to think back to the last time I went to McDonalds; probably for nuggets but I can't really remember. I've never ordered a burger before.   What k
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Profile Comments 867

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Hey there, remember me girlfriend?

Well after missing a WHOLE year I'm back on track so Happy Birthday from Hungary!
Keep up the good work even outside of DA. ;)
Happy Birthday, sorry about the clone trooper birthday cake, the fangirls hijacked it!
Have a happy birthday, M'dear!
DANG IT! I just noticed that I completely missed your birthday this year. :XD:
Welp hope it was nice and I'll pay more attention in half a year. Keep up the good work till then!