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I wish I had painted something else but I'm still going to dedicate this painting to our beloved sweet little cat who's unfortunately going to have to leave us tomorrow. She has been a part of our family for 13 wonderful years.
I love you dearly my little friend and I truly wish you didn't have to go....

Sometimes I think I'm to fucking fragile to be a part of this world.

As for the painting itself, I hope you like it. Robots again.. started on it yesterday, finished today.
Image size
1700x893px 768.61 KB
© 2009 - 2025 AndreeWallin
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wmholt's avatar
I'm so sorry! Some people don't understand how much a part of the family these pets are.  They are "people" to us and their loss is the same as if a cherished family member has died which is, in reality, what has happened. I won't go into the details, but we have had a loss like this recently and every day I still miss her tremendously.  I still expect to see her there all the time. 

Although I didn't want to at first, the most healing came when we finally decided to adopt another rescue cat.  She is a joy and has helped me greatly n alleviating some of the pain related to our earlier cat's passing.