Mountain serenityAndreeWallin on DeviantArt

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AndreeWallin's avatar

Mountain serenity



Hey guys, thank you for all the birthday wishes :) Just to clarify - it's not my real bday, just my 3 year anniversary here on dA. (Seems like it was just yesterday I joined here... scary")

Anyway, here's a painting I did today, it was supposed to be a speedpaint but I ended up spending around 8-9 hours on it or so. Once again, sorry for not being able to respond to everyone, but you all know how much I appreciate your comments/notes! <3
Image size
770x1064px 316.88 KB
Β© 2010 - 2025 AndreeWallin
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Epigeus's avatar

So serene. I don't know what it is about Japanese sense that makes it so appealing. I'm not an artist, but i experimented with AI in a collection called "The Land of Eternal Happiness". I'll try to attach a couple here. They are free if you'd like to D/L. Best!

Pathway around The Land of Eternal Happiness