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AndreeWallin's avatar




Seriously guys, I don't mean to bitch and moan in every new post but I just gotta blow off some steam. This may not come as a surprise to some of you but if you're new in this business, especially in times like these, get ready to get seriously fucked. I'm fairly new in the game but I'm already becoming more and more cynical. I mean I work hard and I try to be honest and fair to people, but the way you get treated in return... is it worth it? You have to be immune to bullshit in order to survive. Or just not trust anyone.

oooooh well, another friday night, and still have no life.. feel sorry for me dammit!

This one's heavily influenced by the works of [link], [link] and Gears of War. Was planning on adding alot more stuff but I got tired of it.. Wanted to move on with something else. I've been painting so much enviros lately I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable with painting characters. Gonna have to mix it up a bit.

I tell you the only thing that keeps me going right now are you guys. I'm totally serious about this. At least you're not lying or trying to screw me over... Love ya'll!

Shit I'm beginning to sound like a complete drunk.. Better get some sleep. Been a long time since I got a good nights sleep..

Have a nice weekend my friends

Check out the latest vid from Realtime: [link]

This was done before I started working here though, it was actually our friend [link] who did the concept/matte work for this.
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aron06's avatar
two thumbs up.