AndreeWallin on DeviantArt

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District 10



Hey guys,

where do I begin... I rarely have time for personal stuff these days. As some of you may have seen already I am working with Radical comics and director Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy) on a graphic novel set to be released sometime next year. That + a few other freelance gigs is keeping me pretty busy these days, but after seeing District 9 last week I just HAD to make some fan art. I LOVED LOVED LOVED that movie, I thought it was absolutely fantastic and brilliant in every way and I can't wait to see it again. Now I know there are inaccuracies all over the place but I had almost no reference pics to look at and a limited amount of hours to spend on it so... Hope you dig it anyways.

I also want to thank everyone for all the comments, faves and notes I recieve, and I'm truly sorry that I don't have the time to answer you all.. :/ It's just impossible for me right now.... But I appreciate it, you know that!

Also, if you manage to figure out the nonhuman language at the bottom you might be able to figure out the story of the painting. ;)

Take care everyone!
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1650x861px 647.86 KB
© 2009 - 2024 AndreeWallin
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