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Matte Nano Icon Set



Presenting Matte Nano Icon Set, a MUST HAVE if you are using Matte Nano!

I fell in love with the skin by :iconkediashubham:
There just weren't enough icons for my liking so i made some :D
..And i thought I might share them.

Release 2

Original UI: [link]
Original Skin: [link]

The icons currently included are: (29 Icons)

- 4chan
- BossPrefs
- deviantArt
- Dog Whistler Pro
- eBuddy
- Facebook
- Flickr
- gpSPhone
- iBroke
- iFamilyGuy
- iHouse
- iiQuota
- Installer
- iSimpsons
- LightBike
- Messages
- Metro Melbourne
- Mind Games
- MySpace
- Ocarina
- Omegle
- OzWeather
- Paper Toss
- PingPong
- SignalSuite
- Spawn Illuminati
- The Sims 3
- Voice Memos
- WhiteNoise

Let me know what you think!
And especially if you want any icons added to the package.

Everything is included in the README.txt so go and take a read.

Thankyou all :dance:
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