Starlight Glimmer smiling back at her friendsAndoAnimalia on DeviantArt

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Starlight Glimmer smiling back at her friends



Back when she tried to strip ponies of their cutie marks, Starlight Glimmer thought she was doing the right thing in helping everypony find a better place in life by making them equal. But with help from Twilight Sparkle, she learned that being different is good and can make friendships stronger. Since then, she has made many friends, and even now, as the new headmare of Twilight's School of Friendship, she continues to show us all how much friendship always leads us to a better way of living. We are all equal in making friends. Here's to Starlight, and her journey from a mad dictator to a great headmare.

I planned on making this vector back in 2019, but I forgot all about it. I'm glad I finally got to get to it.

Traced from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 6 Episode 26, "To Where and Back Again pt. 2."

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro latest (1280×720) (

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8348x7800px 1.45 MB
© 2021 - 2025 AndoAnimalia
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Should have helped Twilight see that even stinkers, including those who should know better than to live a life of stinking places up, can and could be beneficial to living differently.