Current Residence: England deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL (I like em baggy) Favourite genre of music: Alternative Rock Operating System: Leopard MP3 player of choice: iPod Nano Favourite cartoon character: Stewie Griffin, Garfield, Green Goblin from Spiderman
I think I've forgotten about this, but I've been busy over the past month to even mention it again. Anyway as its now July the contest is over and I've picked a winner.Not sure how long it will be until its revealed as I want to do it in the comic and I've got two new sets to design until it's finished. I've also started working on ideas for my 2010 Calendar so I'm busy busy as the minute :-)
Ive created a new character for my comic. she wont be appearing for a few chapters (or episodes, whichever you prefer) and Im quite happy with the way Ive drawn her so I thought I could preview her now. Over the past few months my drawing has gone astray. Especially with all of Zwara02 sketches shes been doing for me. Doing them gave me an idea... What would my stuff look like if someone else colored it? All you have do to participate is to download the linked picture of my new character, color her in any way you want and link me to your deviation and mention that it is apart o...
Its been a while since i done one of these journal thingys, but i think this seems like something to write about.I've always had an interest in comics and doing my own series. I guess it started during my last year of college where my finals project was about comics and i came up with a bunch of characters and came up with a okish comic for my final piece. Since then I've wanted to come up with something that could be turned into a series.I've started a few attempts but nothing really solid that I could build stories around. Until I came up with Louisa Honeypot. I personally like baking cakes so its something I can relate to (it also gives...