Air Colossus - DYR GILOTHAncorgil on DeviantArt

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August 25, 2011
Air Colossus - DYR GILOTH by ~Great-OHARU

CATEGORY: Contests / 2011 / RIFT Create a Colossus Contest: This was entered into the Rift Contest, and even though it didn't win, it is an amazing work of art having a frightening Colossus towering over a courageous fighter. The colors, the overall feel and details, and the inherent danger that emanates from the Colossus Creature, all lead to a visual treat for anyone brave enough to take a look.
Featured by WDWParksGal
Suggested by Astralseed
Ancorgil's avatar

Air Colossus - DYR GILOTH



My first submission for the RIFT Create a Colossus contest:

Dyr Giloth the Dreadful
Image size
1697x1200px 413.62 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Ancorgil
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DunkleMaterie's avatar
Its an ugly planet! A BUG PLANET !! :XD: