ancellacak's avatar


Luvs drawing on MSpaint! x3
41 Watchers58 Deviations


1 min read
Go watch my new account! :) I will watch back!

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Wow, I have not been on this account for quite sometime... Sorry for those who have been wondering when my next upload will be...

I've decided to deactivate this account... and start a new one! I have new projects that I can't wait to share with everyone! I'll also upload old artworks to keep my new gallery going while working on new things :)

Thanks everyone!

See you later!

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1 min read
OMG! I can't believe how inactive I have been!!! SHAME ON ME!!! Hehe ^.^

But I must say... I be back!!! :D YAY!

I just have to upload pictures xDDD

So sorry for the inactivity!!! I'm terrible, I know ;^;

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Requests: CLOSED
Art Trades: OPEN
Roleplay: OPEN
Collab: CLOSED


1. Heartfur1 :iconheartfur1: - 1/3 :star-empty:

Things that I'm on:

Neopets: labra9
Youtube: Ratemyusername
Waja's: Sakura! (56424)
Gaia: hottymchottylol




:new: :new:

Gah!!! Australia at the moment is sorting out who is going to be our Prime Minister, and honestly, I WANT it to be Julia Gilard. Tony Abott can kiss my butt. <.< I have never liked him, :XD: I'm all for labour~ Gah, if only I was old enough to vote! ;A;

WOOOOO I haven't posted much art lately XD;; Sorry about that, my bad ;A; but I'm drawing a little bit more, so I'm planning to upload something besides photo's hopefully soon :XD: Also, I have a little question for anybody and anyone, and it is: Do you think it's good to draw a type of eyes on a type of character? Or if you think it's better to draw the same eyes on all the characters. I'm jsut wondering :3 Me, personally, I liked to draw the eyes suting the character, though I know some people like to keep the eyes the same for all, because of style consistency, which is a good point, too! :3 :heart:


acientwolf90:iconacientwolf90: Backbiting-Enkeli :iconbackbiting-enkeli:

And so many other people! :hug: :heart: I hope everyone is doing well! <33

Ancell~ :heart:


Yesh, tagged by the awesome :iconbackbiting-enkeli:

Turned ON or OFF or DC (don't care):

Is taller than you: ON
Dresses Gangsta: DC
Dresses Gothic: DC
Dresses Skater: ON
Dresses Emo: DC
Dresses preppy: DC
Cuts themselves: OFF
Has green eyes: ON
Has blue eyes: DC
Has brown eyes: ON
Has hazel eyes: ON
Drinks alcohol: DC
Smokes cigarettes: OFF
Smokes weed: OFF
Plays sports: ON
Calls you just to say hi: DC
Compliments you: ON
Good dancer: DC
Has piercings: DC
Wears jewelry: DC
Has curly hair: DC
Has straight hair: ON
Has brown hair: ON
Has black hair: ON
Has blond hair: ON
Has red hair: ON
No hair: DC
Loyal: ON
Laid back: ON
Plays guitar: ON
Plays drums: ON
Plays piano: ON
Can draw: ON
Easily jealous: DC
Has a tattoo: DC
Has a lip ring: DC
Has a tongue ring: DC
Nipples pierced: DC
Goes to church: DC
Hugs from behind: ON
Is original: ON
Makes eye contact on purpose: ON

I tag anyone who would like to do this :XD:



1. Heartfur1 :iconheartfur1: - 1/3 :star-empty:

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Requests: CLOSED
Art Trades: OPEN
Roleplay: OPEN
Collab: CLOSED

Things that I'm on:

Neopets: labra9
Youtube: Ratemyusername
Waja's: Sakura! (56424)
Gaia: hottymchottylol




:new: :new:

That I don't have a 'style' ;A; I've been looking at lots of other people's galleries on DA and I noticed that they are all really consistent in their drawings, and what I mean is, that they have a 'style'... I don’t :XD: Gah, I'm so hopeless! ;A; All my friends who draw have a style, as in you could pick them out of a bunch of pictures and pick which one is their art... With mine, you cant do that at all :XD: I think I need to sit down one day and just... draw ;A; This is really bothering me because I want to have a ‘style’ =/ But I don’t know how to… ‘create’ one? :XD:

Does anyone have any tips of how to help me? :XD: Because I’m in the process of actually creating my own manga… but I have yet to discover my own style! D;


acientwolf90:iconacientwolf90: Cyanide-Element :iconcyanide-element:

And so many other people! :hug: :heart: I hope everyone is doing well! <33

Ancell~ :heart:


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