
1 min read

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anavoog's avatar
i thought i should explain why i am choosing the option of "no critique". it's not because i am insecure about what you might say, but because i am confident and satisfied with my work and don't feel i need input on how to improve (upon that particular piece...i am always evolving). i like to take my own path to discovery. but i also understand i am not everyone's cup of tea. :)
but i do welcome comments! :)
just don't say, "i'd like this better if you had done this or that..."
i do my art to satisfy myself , primarily, and if it pleases you, too, then that makes me extremely happy :)
if it DOESN'T please you, i really don't need to know about it (just move on), because what i do does not hinge on your opinion. thank you, in advance, for your kindness and respect :)
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kevissimo's avatar
And that I totally understand and respect. Your work is full of life and I'm enjoying it immensely.....welcome to DA...