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Anathematixs's avatar

- Where I Belong -



Darling stop confusing me
with your wishful thinking
hopeful enbraces
don't you understand?
I have to go through this
I belong to here where
no-one cares and no-one loves
no light no air to live in
a place called hate
the city of fear

I play dead
it stops the hurting
I play dead
and hurting stops

it's sometimes just like sleeping
curling up inside my private tortures
I nestle into pain
hug suffering
caress every ache

I play dead
it stops the hurting

Bjork - Play Dead

Take from it what you will..
Think of it what you need to think...

This is me and my art..

Always been an angel, trying to do good.
But the inner demon always surfaced to change the outcome.
Forsaken, cast away, yet still loved.
But sometimes, that's not enough...

Photoshop & Tablet
References used and inspired by:…

Used for the cover of "Here Come the Wicked" by Tessa Crane:…

This work may not be published, used, tubed, edited or worked with without my permission
Image size
4787x3024px 4.2 MB
© 2009 - 2024 Anathematixs
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ImaginaryRosseArt's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

This work is in my "Inspiration" collection. Why?
Because it's something yet so macabre and yet so beautiful. The hard parts, which look painful (blood, thorns) are like erased by her beauty. Her empty eyes can't show any confusion, but the fight between the thorn and the wing that seems to grow is more then enough to represent the good and the evil which after all is sanded in every person.
The smoothness of the image as well as the colors work together to create that mystic/dark atmosphere and the lights make the details and her shape stand out.

It's indeed a very nice image - inspirational for every artist!